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Learn interesting facts about topics such as health or nutrition as well as exciting and helpful tips & tricks about your animal roommates!

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Learn interesting facts about topics such as health or nutrition as well as exciting and helpful tips & tricks about your animal roommates!

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JBL - The experts 

Healthy and vital animals in the aquarium, terrarium and garden pond - that is JBL's mission. And  gives the company the drive to become better and better. JBL spares no expense or effort to achieve this goal, because only those who know the living conditions, lifestyles and habitats of animals down to the smallest detail can produce adequate products.  The in-house research centre is home to experienced scientists who play a key role in product development. Because true to the motto "Vorsprung durch Forschung", the experts at JBL are tirelessly researching ever better solutions. The annual research expeditions serve to understand and get to know the home ranges of the terrarium and aquarium inhabitants even better. It is a passion! 


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