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To the advisor

Learn interesting facts about topics such as health or nutrition as well as exciting and helpful tips & tricks about your animal roommates!

To the advisor


Salzachweg 1
5061 Salzburg-Elsbethen Austria

Phone: 43 (0)662 64 50 20

Object of the company:
Trade in pet food and pet supplies

Managing Director: Oliver Reschke
Commercial Register: Company Register Austria, FN204601i
Sales Tax Identification Number Austria: ATU51239805
Sales Tax Identification Number Germany: DE300639204
Register Number: AT7017

ARA Register Number: 12895
DerGrünePunkt: Registration Number: DE5552632413109

Member of WKÖ - membership number: 114733
BIO control number: AT-BIO-402
Biokreis Member number: 20201

Eori Number: ATEOS1000024187

Responsible according to § 18 MStV:
Oliver Reschke
Salzachweg 1
5061 Salzburg-Elsbethen

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here . We are willing to participate in an out-of-court arbitration procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Imprint created with the Trusted Shops legal text editor.

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