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ACME Whistles Germany

In our experience, a whistle is one of the most useful things in dog training.
There are very simple reasons for this. The sound of a dog whistle carries a long way and is still much more pleasing than the thunderous cry: "Brutus, over here!". Even in windy conditions and other noises, the whistle is easily audible to the dog. In addition, the whistle sound is always the same and not coloured by emotions like the voice. In addition, the whistle sound can be trained very easily, even for puppies, for example, for approaching.

Of course, you can also simply whistle yourself. For those who, like me, are not so good at it, a whistle is a sensible investment. Each plastic whistle has a precisely defined pitch. This also makes it easier to use several whistles. You can reorder the whistle at any time without having to get the dog used to a new tone.


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